Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment
teacher and a student looking at each other

At Eaton Square Senior School, we are passionate about ensuring that each student achieves his or her potential; academically, socially and emotionally.

We understand that all learners have their own abilities, strengths and talents alongside their own learning challenges. The Learning Enrichment department aims to support all students who have particular abilities or strengths, who are new to English or have a Special Educational Need.

We recognise that we are a neuro-diverse community – all of us having our own strengths and challenges. In the Learning Enrichment Department, we aim to support and develop the skills of all students, especially those who have a Special Educational Need, are new to English or who are a more able or talented learner.

Our Learning Enrichment Team works alongside our teaching staff to encourage students to expand their skills, abilities and talents and support the development of skills needs to ensure each student reaches their full potential both academically, socially and emotionally.

High Learning Potential

At Eaton Square Senior School all students will complete a baseline assessment on entry to the school. This information is then used to identify students who have a particular academic ability. Teachers will also be requested termly to provide information on students who have a particular strength or ability in their subject.

After students have been identified as having a particular learning strength or talent, they will be placed on the Learning Enrichment HLP register. This register aims to identify to teacher students who need a level of differentiation to expand their learning, understanding and further their skills in the subjects. This register is reviewed termly by teaching staff and regularly updated.

The Learning Enrichment team will work closely with subject teachers to offer a range of activities and opportunities for sudents to further develop their own learning strengths.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

At Eaton Square Senior School many of our students speak several languages and as a school we wish to celebrate the range of languages within school. On entry to the school all students will be asked to complete a language survey with the aim of knowing the range of languages a student can speak. This information will be held on the school’s Language Database.

For students who have English as an additional language, they will undertake an assessment by our EAL teacher and their English teachers in their first half term. They will be then allocated a proficiency code based on their language skills. These codes are taken from the Bell Foundation EAL assessment scheme and the individual student codes will be held on the school’s Language Database. Depending on students’ proficiency code, they might be offered EAL intervention in order to improve their language skills and get more curriculum support.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Eaton Square Senior School, we are passionate about ensuring that each student achieves his or her potential; academically, socially and emotionally. Our Learning Enrichment team works alongside our teaching staff to encourages the student to develop a wide range of skills to increase their ability to become independent and successful learners.

We currently provide additional provisions for a range of needs, including:

  • Communication and interaction, for example, autistic spectrum disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, speech and language difficulties
  • Cognition and learning, for example, dyslexia, dyspraxia,
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties, for example, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Sensory and/or physical needs, for example, visual impairments, hearing impairments, processing difficulties, epilepsy

Eaton Square Senior School aims to identify students with needs additional to and different from those which can be accommodated within the normal provision of the school. This may be from:

  • Referral reports from parents or outside agencies, submitted at the time of application to the school
  • Student medical record
  • Teacher or Parent cause for concern
  • Subject Assessments
  • Individual Assessments by SENDCO
  • Assessment report from an appropriate specialist, for example, an Educational Psychologist.

After our initial assessment process and in discussion with parents we will decide if the student is placed on our Learning Enrichment Diagnosis register that aims to identify students who will need a level of specialist differentiation within the classroom or placed on the SEND register as they will need support that is different and above the standard level  offered by the school.

A student placed on the SEND register will be provided with an individual student passport that will make recommendations on tailored differentiation and strategies based on their own learning profile. They will also be able to access arrange of specialist interventions, make use of adaptive technologies and where appropriate exam access arrangements.

Learning Enrichment Intervention

Eaton Square Senior School offers a range of specialist support which will be tailored to the students needs and learning profile, after their initial assessment we will make recommendations for the student’s individual support plan.

Learning Enrichment Enhanced interventions are tailored to personal needs and are available to all students, on an individual or small group basis. Although many learning development sessions take place outside normal lesson times, this is not always possible and parts of a lesson might be missed, particularly in the lower years. A rotation of lessons will be carried out to minimise any impact. We currently offer specialist sessions for students identified with a Special Educational Need or English as an Additional Language.

An additional charge is made Learning Enrichment Enhanced Support, as set out below, paid termly with the School fees, is made for any tuition received. Please contact the Learning Enrichment team LE@Eatonsquareschools.com or the Registrar for further information.