Nursery and Prep Pastoral Care

Nursery and Prep Pastoral Care

We take great pride in our reputation for providing excellent pastoral care across all Eaton Square Schools. It is central to our philosophy of bringing out the very best in every child.

Our prioritising of pupil wellbeing is clear for all to see. Indeed, the independent Good Schools Guide says of our school: “Children are happy here as they have the freedom to be themselves. Judging by stampede to get into the building at the start of the day, Eaton Square offers its pupils a joyful start in life.”


Our pastoral care begins before your child even starts at Nursery. As part of our welcoming process, we ask for information on your child’s interests and preferences so that staff can engage them with a favourite activity on arrival. Staff are also made aware of any medical conditions and allergies to ensure children are safe.

At this young age, the strength of pastoral care is critical to smooth the pathway between home and school. We welcome children for short periods of time until they are comfortable and familiar with the surroundings and staff. Each child is also allocated a key person who looks after them on a one-to-one basis and help them settle in as quickly as possible.


Without doubt, knowing your child is happy at school is extremely reassuring for parents. It means you know they are in the right place to develop, to forge friendships, to learn and to achieve.

At Eaton Square, our cohort of bright, happy, thriving pupils doesn’t happen by accident.

From their very first day, we welcome each child into our school family and make every effort to get to know them well. With small classes and expert staff, pupils are always among individuals who care for them and take the time to help. This combination facilitates the best possible environment for advancing learning and encouraging each child to the attain their highest levels of achievement.

At Home:

To ensure seamless, all-round support of pupils, we are very happy to advise parents on continuing our pastoral practices outside of school life. Useful resources we recommend include:

Think U Know – The National Crime Agency’s CEOP Education Programme which helps protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse.

UK Safer Internet Centre – A partnership of three leading organisations: Childnet InternationalInternet Watch Foundation and SWGfL, all with a shared mission of making the internet an enriching and safe place for children and young people.