
The Eaton Share – 4th November 2016

From the Headmaster:   Having spoken with many of the children Half Term appears to have been an enjoyable and productive time; revision included! The first week back seems to have flown by, as ever.   Please download the newsletter: The Eaton Share 4th November 2016

The Eaton Share – 19th October 2016

From the Headmaster: This will be the last Newsletter of the Half before the children have a well earned break. They have been so actively engaged and involved during the last six weeks that I am sure they will welcome the opportunity to slow down for a few days…. Please download the newsletter: The Eaton…

The Eaton Share – 7th October 2016

From the Headmaster:   The days are shortening at an alarming pace. Autumn is most definitely on the way. One sure sign of this was the sight of the children walking to Church on Tuesday carrying their decorated Harvest Festival boxes, which was a joy to behold. The idea of sharing and giving, of community…

The Eaton Share – 30th September 2016

From the Headmaster:   The world is changing with more speed and rapidity than we can often understand or accept. The growth in technological development is astounding and yet nothing compared to where it will be in 20, 30 or 40 years’ time. The children who are at Eaton Square today will reach adulthood when…

The Eaton Share – 23rd September 2016

From The Headmaster: It has been a busy week for all. The pupils are now back into the rhythm of school life, working hard in class, applying themselves to different aspects of training and conditioning, rediscovering the discipline needed to jiggle clubs, activities and homework; school has resumed. Please download the newsletter: the-eaton-share-23rd-september-2016

The Eaton Share – 16th September 2016

From the Headmaster: The new Prime Minister has been very much in the headlines of late, having sparked a national debate on Grammar Schools. Whether in favour of the proposed system of not, what is surely important is that there would be more choice for parents and pupils at the different stages of their education….

The Eaton Share – 8th July 2016

From the headmaster….   It seems hard to believe that we are already at the end of the term and the end of the academic year. How time has flown and how much has been achieved here at school. The year within any establishment is always marked by different events and successes, initiatives and developments….

The Eaton Share – 17th June 2016

From the Headmaster….   Last week saw the Year 8s fully immersed in their Common Entrance examinations for entry into their senior schools. During the week they appeared relatively calm and they certainly approached each day with focus and determination. Today I saw each pupil, discussed how they had found the exams and handed them…

The Eaton Share – 13th May 2016

From the Headmaster… If you lost your mobile phone or were stranded for a few days with internet or any means of ‘connecting’ how would you feel? Online safety and general screen use by children and adults is undoubtedly one of the topics of our time. Earlier this week we were fortunate enough to have…

The Eaton Share – 23rd March 2016

From the Headmaster….   Can it really be the final Newsletter of the Half? It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of the Spring Term and that the holiday is upon us. That being so, many of the younger pupils are beginning to wilt a little and they are in…