Hybrid @ LPS Mayfair & Sixth

Hybrid @ LPS Mayfair & Sixth

We are excited to announce that we will be opening the first Dukes Hybrid stream at LPS Mayfair in September 2024.

Hybrid @ LPS Mayfair & Sixth is an exciting new offer from London Park Schools.  Opening in September and operating through LPS Mayfair and Sixth (currently Eaton Square Senior and Sixth until September 2024), it offers students an opportunity to experience a full LPS education in a ‘hybrid’ format.

Hybrid @ LPS Mayfair will offer four days teaching on-line with one day a week in school – centred around practical subjects such as sport, science, art and drama.  There will also be a Sixth form option too.

Students will work to the same full-day timetable and have the same teachers as day students, but will work remotely in their own separate hybrid class.  Once a week they will come into the physical building for hands-on lessons and clubs – including sport, art, science etc.

Each hybrid form group will be taught as a distinct unit and as well as meeting each other on-line, will see each other – with their pastoral tutor, one day a week in school.  In this way, they not only have access to real-time, interactive, online teaching , but in-school time as well.  This means that students not only feel supported but can focus on work and thrive as part of a strong, understanding community.

We are still developing some of the final details and will have more specific information very soon, but the essentials are shown below:

  • Opening in September 2024
  • One form per year group
  • Maximum of 18 per class
  • One day a week physically in school; four days on-line (live lessons)
  • A full day’s time-table with LPS teachers
  • Deposit:£1k
  • Fees: £5k per term

And of course, by being part of LPS Mayfair, students have access to wonderful teaching, a supportive community and a an amazing location – a short walk from Green Park tube, (or Victoria station for the sixth form) – right in the heart of town.  This means that the senior school and sixth form are both easily accessible from most parts of London and not only London – with only one day a week in school, there is the option to access our wonderful community from further afield too.

Find out more

Talk to one of our hybrid specialists,  Ambreen Baig or Jamie Whiteside: ambreen.baig@dukeseducation.comjames.whiteside@dukeseducation.com

Contact Hybrid Admissions: admissions.hybrid@eatonsquareschools.com


Bespoke Hybrid Open Mornings

We will be holding two bespoke Hybrid Open Mornings in the Autumn term:

  • Wednesday 2 October
  • Wednesday 13 November


LPS Mayfair Open Morning

There will also be a main LPS Mayfair Open Morning on Thursday 10 October for ALL students – both day and Hybrid.


LPS Mayfair Head’s Coffee Mornings

If you can’t make a specific Hybrid event, you are still welcome to come to a general LPS Mayfair Head’s Coffee morning which are held most Thursday mornings from 9.15-10.15 –


Join Hybrid@ LPS Mayfair

To enquire about Hybrid or to apply for a Hybrid place at LPS Mayfair or LPS Sixth please click below.

Make a Hybrid Enquiry     Apply for a Hybrid Place

Hybrid@ Dukes Education – General Interest

There may be other Hybrid@ schools in the future. To register interest or talk to a specialist, please click here.

Careers @ Hybrid @ LPS

Join the Hybrid Admissions team. Find out more.