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Eaton Square wins Eco-Schools Silver Award

28th October 2021
a wooden house

As we prepare for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, what better time to announce that Eaton Square Prep School has achieved official Eco-Schools Silver Award!

From the sustainable design and materials used for our new Nursery spaces, to our pupil-led Eco Committee, this accolade has been awarded in recognition of our commitment to the environment and ongoing eco-endeavours. All of us at Eaton Square are passionate about celebrating, protecting and supporting our environment. Here are just a few of the activities weā€™ve been up to this termā€¦

  • Pupils brought environmental issues to life with Green Up Your Act ā€“ an organization that champions all aspects of sustainability. The children particularly enjoyed making recycled notebooks and bug hotels!
  • Our young environmentalists created outstanding projects for the national Save our Wildlife Schools Arts Competition, including 3D pieces of art representing how we help our wildlife.
  • The entire school embraced a ā€˜Food Waste Challengeā€™, complete with a visit from the Sustainability Leader from the award-winning Holroyd Howe to demonstrate the importance of not throwing away food.
  • To celebrate World Habitat Day, Year 3 created a home and shelter for a range of insects which will go into the School garden.

A sincere thanks to all pupils in our Eco Committee who continue to lead the School so admirably in our environmental efforts, particularly with their regular ā€˜Eco Tip of the Weekā€™. From ā€˜Take what you eat and eat what you takeā€™Ā to ā€˜Turn off your electronics when not in useā€™, our young eco-ambassadors are doing a sterling job in guiding their fellow pupils.



To find out more about life at Eaton Square Prep and Nursery Schools, sign up for one of our upcoming Open MorningsĀ here.