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Exam stress: How Eaton Square Students are supported

16th May 2024
Students studying

Effective Preparation

We understand that proper preparation is key to reducing exam stress, and therefore prior to our students starting their exams we made sure that they knew how to study as study skills are often overlooked. To enhance study effectiveness and reduce exam stress, we advocate using study techniques tailored to individual learning styles. Here is a list of different study techniques students should try out:

  • Active recall – involves actively trying to remember key information from memory to enhance learning and retention.
  • Spaced repetition – involves reviewing material at gradually increasing intervals to improve long-term retention of information.
  • Pomodoro Techniques – a time management method that breaks work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks to boost productivity and focus.
  • Interleaving Practice – involves mixing different topics or types of problems within a single study session to improve learning and problem-solving skills.

We integrated holistic well-being practices into our preparation strategies. For example students were taught how and encouraged to practice the “Five Ways to Wellbeing” as outlined by Mental Health Ireland and discussed in their YouTube video emphasises simple actions such as connecting with others, staying active, and continuing to learn, which can significantly enhance mental health thus reducing exam stress. These practices are embedded in our school culture, encouraging students to maintain not just academic but also emotional balance.

Exam Period Strategies

During this exam period, our teachers hold drop in sessions where students who need extra support can find the help they need, ensuring they head into exams as prepared as they can be.

Students have been taught that on the day of the exam overwhelm, anxiety, and stress, can be better managed with the breathing techniques they were taught prior to the exam period.

Post-exam, we advise students not to linger on what has already been submitted. Instead, focus should shift to preparing for any upcoming exams, applying lessons learned from the day’s experiences. This positive forward-thinking helps maintain momentum and confidence throughout the exam period.

We wish all students taking their exams good luck and we are always here to help our students through the process.